Saturday 2 April 2011


Sometimes you wish
Somrtimes you dont want what you wish for
Sometimes you dont wish for what you want.
Sometimes the pub seems the only plausible option

Sometime you get tired of being full of energy,
Sometimes,you cry because you're happy,
Sometimes you are happy cause you criy.

Always,you are you,
Never,are you not yourself.

Monday 24 January 2011

Nah,dont think so!

Got my usual pile of junk mail today.

One caught my eye,but on further reading,

No thank you,i would not like to release the in Carrie Bradshaw in me.

on another note,some albums i would recommend:

Justin Vernon  -Hazeltons
Holowpaw     -Quit /+ Or Fight
Neil Young    - On The Beach
Slint               - Spiderland
Palace            -Viva Last Blues

Dont feel bad if you have a listen and think they suck,i wont hate you.


Sunday 23 January 2011

Facebook fun!

╔══════════════ ೋღ♥ღೋ ══════════════╗
     ~ If you have a lot of loser FB friends, put this on their wall.
               Thank you, for not texting calling or mailing me !

                       Death Pain and Misery to you!
                     Always remember i'm prettier than you
    ══════════════ ೋღ♥ღೋ ════════════

╔══════════════ ೋღ♥ღೋ ==══════════════╗
      ~ If you have a lot of loser FB friends, put this on their wall.
   I dont message you cause i feel the minutes slipping away when

   We talk or chat,please leave me be,i'm much happier when i'm 
    not talking to you,and no,i dont want to join your mafia,play pool
   you,or own a neighbouring farm to you,i dread to think what you
              do to the dirty dirty oxygen thief
    ══════════════ ೋღ♥ღೋ ════════════

Sunday 16 January 2011

New Year,New Start

As we approach the middle of the first month of the new year.
I want to wish everbody who had new years resolutions congratulations
on not only breaking the resolutions,but doing more of these things that you said you were going to give up.
Well done,we love you for it

On a plus note though,i've kept none of mine either,
Eating,Drinking,Breathing.only joking,i gave them up long ago
I currently am haunting my local pub,purely for the lack of freebies i received from them

Only joking,i'm haunting you,that little voice you hear in your head,trying to sway you on the conscious decisions you make every day in your's not your inner demon or's me.

On a plus note to it being january,i  discovered Tom Waits over the festive period,whist i wasn't wasting money on gifts that people forget about the week after,or speaking to people i dont have any urge to converse with in the pub "just because its christmas"

Fabulous songriter.he will make you laugh and cry in the same song

have a listen,and a merry belated(or very early) christmas

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Things not to do.

Dont licks metal thing in the cold
unless you like you tongue with less skin on than usual.

Dont believe somebody when they say they "need more time",
what this means is,they need more time without you in it,

Dont bite the hand that feeds,punch it in the knuckles and intimidate it,

Dont buy fast food with a drink,the drink is never what you ask for

Dont make any decisions whilst under the influence of aclohol,
or any other substance for that matter,decisions should not be made withou a clear head,

Dont "fake" playing an instrument.,also if your gonna fake it,dont buy chinese,buy american

Dont forget,that you need an average amount of BS evey day,just so you have got something to gague the truth against

Dont feel guilty for making decisions that you really did want to make,

Dont feel guilty for not feeling guilty

Do go into Macdonalds and ask for something with no sugar,they have a panic button for that 

If you do feel guilty regarding the second last point there,
Burn  a plastic cow,its what the cool kids do,